Monday, November 28, 2011

In which she humbly pretends that she didn't take a month-long break. . .

By posting a funny video she found on her computer from last summer:

Worry not, dear readers! This girl is going strong and is headed into her last regular week of school, followed by finals then a triumphant re-observation of regular human activities such as sleeping and eating. . .

Stay tuned for more!


Carilyn said...

Ooh, I REALLY like the new blog header photo!! =)

I'm glad to hear your grandpa was a Christian.

Stephanie said...

I bet you'll love the holiday break from school. I did. :)


Sophia said...

Carrie - Thanks, I'm glad too. We appreciate everyone's prayers during this time.

Stephanie - Yes, I'm definitely looking forward to it!

Hannah said...

I totally understand! I'm there right now...this week is stuffed full of homework and other is on hold and resumes after December 15th!