Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

Obviously I haven’t been blogging of late, so get ready for a big update!

I can’t believe that we’ve arrived at the holiday season already. Fall quarter is almost over; finals are coming up. The year is almost over, Christmas is approaching rapidly.


We’ve had the first snow we’ve seen in a year or two. It’s remained on the ground since Sunday night. . . About when Daddy decided it was time to bring out the Christmas tree! Of course, Tarquin has been bouncing off the walls in excitement. . .He can’t wait for Christmas; his Christmas list (which he started this summer) is about twenty items large and growing. It includes a toy bat (the animal), a violin, a mini golf course, a magnifying glass, a sewing machine, a drum set, a pool table and a red jacket.  017


At school on Monday, I took two walks around the campus with a friend before our math classes.  The snow was so thick! We attempted to capture it’s beauty on our phones. . . Didn’t even come close! She left after her math class, and I headed to the library as usual, spent an hour studying, then left a little early to take the long way to class. When I arrived at said class, the teacher informed the few students that arrived that the school was now closed. I left class with a quiz, a brother and friend who were kicked out of the library, and an hour of free time on a campus that was shutting down. We played cards and discussed various things while we waited.

We got home snug and safe to find that we had arrived at a battlefield:



“Take this— Wait, Sophie? Can I throw a zno-ball at you?”

On Tuesday, Daddy took the youngest three to the hospital to get their labs drawn. On the way there, he hit ice and the van spun twice then crashed into a sign, denting the door and breaking the window. Everyone was alright, but a little shaken. The van is now in the shop, getting extensive and expensive repair done. I’m still constantly thanking God for His protection of my family that day.


In other news, I’ve finally finished my ball gown. I’ve been working on it off and on since late June.


This is just the skirt; you can’t see the whole thing yet!

My plans for the next few days? Relax, drink tea, draw, and sew. Maybe watch a few costume dramas :)

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!


1 comment:

caulistats said...

The ball gown looks beautiful! I can't wait to see the rest of it. :-)

I'm a bit envious that you've already had your Christmas tree up for two weeks. I'm hoping to get a little Christmas decorating done this year, but we'll see....

Tarquin's Christmas list is funny. :^D